Dogman Down Under
Classic old style dog whispering
Personal family dog training at your home
Australia’s most experienced pack leader
Brisbane Gold Coast
The most common complaints councils receive about dogs, is excessive barking.
Nearly all the issues dogs develop are psychological issues. Due to humans not understanding their needs.
Digging & Chewing
Dogs dig for fun. It’s also a natural instinct that is more developed in certain breeds.
Nervous Dogs
Nervous, Anxious, or frightened dogs all share the same state of mind.
Rescued Dogs
Thinking of getting a dog from the RSPCA or the AWL.
My training uses the psychology of dogs to achieve a calm well-behaved happy family dog, even when the owner isn’t around. Knowing and understanding the psychology of dogs is what true dog whispering is about.
Taking that knowledge and using it to help families and their dogs by adapting training to fit with the dog/dogs owners different personality’s and home lives is dog psychology training.
98% of problems with dogs are psychological. This is why teaching owners and their dogs at their homes is so important.

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Boundary training..The foundation of all my dog behaviour training. Go into any Council dog pound and you will see many posters from desperate people looking for their lost dog, Look at any missing local dog site on Facebook and you will see desperate owners looking for their lost dog. Most of those dogs went missing because they ran away from home because someone left the door or gate open. ‘It doesn’t have to be like that’
Learn boundary training that any dog will respond to without food, electronics, commands like sit, down, placemats or using cages. Learn how to do this with just your personality controlling your dogs.
You cannot have the dog you
without giving your dog what it
Your dog deserves the best
I offer

Dog Whispering

Dog psychology

After puppy school

Barking problems

Nervous & over excitement

Chewing, Digging & running away etc

Problems with rescued dogs

Controlling packs of dogs

Any age
keep them
coming back
What others think
Honestly thought my dogs would never stop barking and lunging at visitors. By the time he left they looked calmly and sat down while I answered the door. Andy is amazing and highly skilled 100% recommend his service.
While I was walking my large dog, we were attacked by 2 large dogs off lead. As a result, I ended up with a lead aggressive dog which i became too anxious of, to take for a walk. Andy has worked wonders with both my dog and myself. Thanks to Andy i now walk my dog anywhere with confidence and my dog is no longer aggressive towards every dog he sees. Thanks Andy.